Friday, April 2, 2010


From Health Professional Council Code of Practice for Registrants.

Ethical Practice = Good Practice.

What does my professional involvement with this child whom I have concerns about and know to be on medication for mental health issues constitute?

Following my professional Code of Practice

Not following my professional Code of Practice
Not follow

Galen's dictum

Follow Galen's dictum, at least no harm to child
Using a "social model" construction of problem

Using a "medical model" construction of problem
Seeing child as "patient" following a Psychiatric model

Seeing child as "client" following a Psychological model
Cooperation with an holistic multi-professional assessment

Lack of cooperation with an holistic multi-professional assessment
Negative use of professional power

Positive use of professional power
Aware of and provide positive alternative suggestions

Unaware of and not provide alternative suggestions
Lack of awareness / knowledge of specific issues involved re:medication

Awareness / knowledge of specific issues involved re: medication
Not knowing nature /

Side effects of medication

Knowing nature /
side effects of medication
Positive challenge to practice I have professional concerns about

Acceptance of practice I have professional concerns about.

© Dave T
Chartered Educational Psychologist

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