Wednesday, December 1, 2010

DAVE TRAXSON - Social Trends in the U.S. and the U.K.

Do we want this? 

for more alternatives to medication just click on hyperlink.

Choices as a society?The three strikes and you out rule in the U.S. clearly does not work giving long sentences to petty criminals and creating a captive workforce.

Exponential growth mirrors rise of psychotropic drugs for children!                                                                                       Also this incarcaration of citizens policy has  potential equal opportunities issues as the majority of prisoners are black (1 in 9 black  adults are in prison in U.S.) They are then forced to work to avoid solitary confinement at 25 cents per hour making huge amounts of military uniforms, paint, furniture and other products which gives them a competitive advantage over the low pay ecconomies in the far east.

Range of psychotropic drugs for children.
European cultures are built on principles of fair and respectful treatment of children.

The effect of expectations.

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