Thursday, December 16, 2010


 Sir Ken Robinson's most watched YOUTUBE video  disproves the medical 'epidemic' of ADHD IN THE U.S, Changing Educational Paradigms.

Dr Joanna Moncrieff, Senior Lecturer in Psychiatry, UCL. Advocates that "Psychiatry is for Sale" in an excellent paper published by The Institute for Psychiatry,London  and avialable on line via Google. Her book above,"The Myth of the Chemical Cure," was nominated as MIND book of the year for 2009.

Professor Loretta Giorcelli, International Educational Consultant and Motivational Speaker,
visiting Professor at California State University and advocate for "normalising" 21st Century Chidren's behaviour ,they don't need drugs they are just more frenetic and used to a stimulating "soundbite","rapid fire" sub-culture.

Sir Ken Robinson(Professor Warwick University) see his brilliant RSA animated lecture,"Changing Educational Paradigms."(On U tube) with "the myth of the ADHD epidemic " as there are huge variations as you travel across the states West to East. So it's definitely not a medical phenomenon!

Professor Steven Rose,Emeritus Professor of Neuropsychology, is very vociferous about his opposition to the trend of medicating children for behavioural issues e.g. attention or social anxiety difficulties.In a recent Radio 4 (Today Programme) appearance he described the pharmaceutical company reps as "modern day snake oil salesmen" preying on vulnerable families with promises of a "miracle cure."

Professor Sami Timimi, NHS Consultant Child Psychiatrist(Lincolnshire NHS Trust), great books / articles on the"International Critical Psychiatry" Website, believes in Psychologically based interventions as a first approach(following the NICE guidelines), as do to be fair ,the manuals of some of the drug manufacturers e.g. Concerta .He has pioneered preventitive approaches such as the "Nurturing Heart," methodology for children with behavioural differences.

Professor Tim Brighouse ex academic and Director of Education for large L.A.s and Inspirational Speaker believes in maximising human potential not drugging children.

Read some of Dr Peter Breggin's excellent publications, on toxic side-effects (A.D.R's)avialable via Google.Should we be exposing children to these risks?

Professor of Education John Hattie leading the fight to have Ritalin banned in New Zealand and doing pioneering work on  meta-analyses of what works to help the learning of modern children in schools. Surprise,surprise one to one attention comes out tops for long term benefits! All behaviour gurus agree on the maxim,"Relationships,relationships,relationships!"

Professor Phillip Zimbardo of the Stanford University prison experiment fame exposes why 'Good men and women' can be led into doing 'evil deeds.'His latest project is about 'What makes a normal citizen a hero?'

Professor Ted Glynn, Waikato University, N.Z.
Great books on Positive Behaviour management boosting literacy levels for all and empowering young people.He would also oppose mass medication of children.

Professor Nikolas Rose,London School of Ecconomics,wrote "The Psychological Complex."He states there are problems with:
-the diagnostic criteria
-the rate of prescribing
-the labelling effects for YP
-and damage to society.
In Nature,"Psychiatry without borders,"2010. 

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