Monday, February 14, 2011

Good Research Questions re Current Practice for AEP Conference Attendees 

For more information on this topic and BBC radio programmes on over-prescription visit YOUTUBE by clicking hyperlink.

Survey of Attendees at the A.E.P. Annual Course in Liverpool 10th – 12th November 2010.
You will either have read the essay by Dave Traxson entitled,  “The Medicalisation of Normal Healthy Childhood,” and Key Questions in the delegate pack and / or listened to his keynote address on the Friday.
Could I ask you to take a few minutes, now that you have had time to reflect, as to how you intend to take the over-prescription of psychotropic drugs issue forward in your area.
1)    Could you briefly describe any existing good practice in this field so that we can collate some of these to promote thinking in other areas.

2)    How many children on your case load would you say are on potentially harmful drug regimes that you have professional concerns about?

3)    Do you and or the Pastoral Care Team in the schools you cover know how many children are on psychotropic drugs to control their behaviour? Should they know the number in your opinion?

4)    Have you or other professionals raised concerns about this practice in  individual cases or in general with medical colleagues?

5)    What were the outcomes of any positive challenges that you or your team have made?

6)    Describe how in one case your positive involvement has benefitted the Safety and Emotional Wellbeing of a child whom you were concerned about.
For more information and BBCRadio programmes.

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