Tuesday, February 1, 2011



Then go to "Media Centre" then "Press releases"
then "Over-prescribing medication for Children with Behavioural Difficulties."

Amphetamines are the most abused prescription drug.(TOP)       DSM 4 will be changed to DSM 5 in 2013 which generates huge income for the American Psychiatric Association who publish it and the drug manufacturers. It is regularly reviewed a bit like premier football clubs change their strip to generate new income for the club.
The most abused prescription amphetamine in the world.
The NHS in 2009 spent £31 million  on amphetamines for children and the government spent an additional £400 million on DLA(Disabled Living Allowance) to families of children with a disputed diagnosis = 10% of total.This is likely to be an underestimate.
Professionals can ask appropriate challenging questions of medical practitiioners or share information that helps the doctor to review the levels of amphetamines prescribed by them.Psychologists are well placed to challenge the questionably designed checklists that over-identify ADHD and to lead the way on asking searching questions of medics about the holistic nature of a child's behavioural difficulties.

Maxim: "For every problem there is always an easy answer which is invariably
Quick fixes are dangerous for vulnerable children."

Prescription rate for amphetamines for children increased        120 fold between 1994 and 2009.

Drugs often prescribed for ADHD without checking if behavioural pattern exists in school based often on poor questions to parents e.g."Is your child restless in a squirmy sort of way?!" What does this mean and if a parent gets it then we might expect a high false positive rate for "diagnosis"of supposed ADHD..

There is no conclusive evidence of the condition called ADHD and no medical,genetic or biochemical test to prove its existence.

Toxicity of drugs can cause long-term damage to brain due to accumulation of dopamine in the synapses and is thought to double the rate of addiction to all stimulants in adulthood(Prof. Nadine Lambert Berkeley University.)

This child loves speeding around with his parents, does he need "speed"(amphetamines) given by trusted adults.

In 2013 DSM5 will widen diagnostic spectra considerably with,"sub-clinical normal variation"- mental health conditions e.g. sadness, shyness, eating issues, teenage anxt etc.

Safeguarding is our collective paramount concern, misdiagnosis is clearly a Safeguarding issue when it has such profound life-long effects on children and young people.
New criteia drafted by the American Psychiatric Association with funding support from the pharmaceutical companies to review the criteria regularly.
This is like Premiership Football Club changing it's very expensive kit every few years to replenish it's coffers.

There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has arrived now is the time to challenge this dangerous practice.
Join this rational and just action against the misuse of corporate and individual power.

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