Wednesday, August 17, 2011

DAVE TRAXSON -His view on the current contraversial epidemic of drugging school aged children with psychoactive drugs (Based on a famous Ghandi quote about state violence)- August 2011

Why I am against the unnecessary drugging  of so many of our school aged children for unproven and subjectively defined behavioural \ mental illness conditions,which may fall in the normal range, using unscientifically designed checklists:

The GOOD it does is only TEMPORARY

The HARM it does could be PERMANENT

-physically and psychologically

(Derived from Ghandi’s quote of what he thought of the effects of state violence which, some would say, might include the systemic and widening of prescribing psychotropic drugs for children.)

- I posit that drugging children could be a form of abuse of power by some medics and even some parents on the most vulnerable sector within society, our children. It may be a form of state condoned abuse, through either commission or omission.

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