Tuesday, August 16, 2011

"A very childish moral panic.-Ritalin"- The Journal of Medical Humanities.

Journal of Medical Humanities
Volume 24, Numbers 1-2, 9-33, DOI: 10.1023/A:1021301614509
A Very Childish Moral Panic: Ritalin

Toby Miller and Marie Claire Leger

This paper examines some of the moral panics around hyperactive children, the construction of Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder, and the lure of Ritalin in turning kids identified as ldquoat riskrdquo into successful, productive individuals. Through a historicization of the child as a psychiatric subject, we try to demonstrate Ritalin's part in the uneven development of modern trends towards the pathologization of everyday life, a developing continuum between normality and abnormality, and an emphasis on the malleability of children and the importance of environment in their upbringing. We conclude that Ritalin is a part of modernity's project of turning people into individuals—in this case, a kind of US transcendence fantasy—which, along with discourses and institutions, promises to transform young subjects and biocosmetically alter their futures.

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